Monday, September 26, 2011

**PAINLESS FOR ETERNITY*******PAINLESS FOR ETERNITY***** Pain you can't touch me and sadness will you please disregard me and disappointment will you please go ahead and stop instegating negativity at me because in my reality i've found my personal friend that gave me plenty of you all constantly, because she have become loquacious and munificent in lying to me, she became demented and she has cause vexation to enervate my soul that it burn so deep that it had me second guessing my own face as I stare at some BLACK MAN when i look in the mirror, because I can't believe that I've been that stupid and foolish that I became mystified in what I choose to believe about love, because love for me is all I had left to believe in, so I now believe in hurt and I now believe in sadness and I now believe my hurt has made me perceive that a woman can cause a grown man to cry so hard that I could break metal with my sorrow and that my tears became so heavy that I couldn't even wipe them aside, so please GOD will you get this feeling out of my inside, because I've cried my last tears and I've stop depriving myself of being at peace in believing that GOD is what I need to believe in, so in this race to continue to be angry, I drop out because just like I want to be happy, I want the same for everyone else because I will not allow life to keep taking what i got left of me through this spiritual abuse, so I do appreciate the small ramps love have made for me, but today I believe GOD got a bigger bridge for me, so I will get over, so to my nefarious friend, I declare today my hurting is over, I'm over! I'm PAINLESS FOR ETERNITY!!!!!!!!!!!!BY: Standchange the poet aka EARL.